Friday, August 19, 2011

Life Interrupted: Terrorism in the South

As I was busy packing for our move yesterday, a coordinated terrorist attack struck in South Israel near Eilat. 

Life interrupted.

Most of the victims were returning from or going to Eliat for vacation.  Yesterday, they only wanted a short reprieve from their hectic lives.  They only wanted to laugh and relax in the beautiful resort town.   Today, they are dead.

Life interrupted.

Families have been torn apart. Fathers have been taken from their children, wives from their husbands, sons from their mothers.  I am angry at the senselessness and that I have to once again help my host country mourn for her citizens.  Before moving here, I had hope for the conflict.  I had hope the violence and hate would end and peace could come to the region.  I couldn't understand the hopelessness that Israelis felt about it.

Today I understand.  It is easy to take a break from the conflict in the States.  Every once in a while, I would flip on the news and for 5 minutes feel sad for my husband's homeland.  I would turn off the television and go on until next time.  My life was uninterrupted.

When you live it.  When it is miles from your front door.  When hold your breath hoping you don't know a victim.  When you pray this time it won't escalate.  When you fear for your husband, your friends, your family during the hours following.  When you cry for their dead children as they celebrate your children's death. When you can't get away from it ever, not even on vacation.

The bitterness, the anger, the hopelessness inevitably seeps in.  I pray for this country and her citizens.  I pray they can one day live without the senseless hatred their neighbors use as an excuse to interrupt their lives.


  1. I'm moving from Oregon to Netanya in 19 days. So far, when relatives are concerned about it, I could point to the fact that nothing has happened recently, and they are remembering very old news reports. Today's events make that a bit harder.

    My Dad still thinks he can talk us out of the move.

    What do you say to your family back in the States? How do you let them know that you are aware there are risks, but you still feel relatively safe?

  2. Tracy,
    First, best of luck with your upcoming move. Israel is an amazing, beautiful country and you'll fall in love with her.
    My parents, especially my father, had a very difficult time adjusting to the fact we were moving here. After the Jerusalem bombing, I tried to quell their concerns as best I could, but no words can really ever comfort a parents fear for their child. My mother's visit to Israel really showed her what life was really like here and gave her an opportunity to understand it isn't a war zone. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime.

  3. Prayers for the families that lost loved ones thru senseless and unnecessary violence. Please be I know you always are. I fell in love with Israel and your family over there. They're in my thoughts and prayers as well..
